4 Ways To Remove Gum From Your Carpets

A Guide to Tackling the Sticky Issue of Gum on Your Carpets and Upholstery

Food and drink residues pose a constant threat to the cleanliness and longevity of your carpets and upholstery, with gum being one of the most challenging culprits. Regardless of whether you categorize gum as food, when it finds its way onto your carpet or upholstered furniture, you have a daunting cleaning task to tackle.

Though a demanding task, getting gum out of your carpet or upholstery isn’t impossible. It requires a bit of elbow grease and the application of one of the four techniques discussed here. A vital point to remember is to take action immediately when you discover gum. The longer the gum stays, the tougher the cleaning task. However, if these DIY solutions don’t do the trick, you can always turn to professional carpet and upholstery cleaners.

The Hairdryer Approach

A hardened gum on your carpet or upholstery can be loosened with some heat, and a hairdryer is an excellent tool for this. Direct the hot air nozzle at the gum to soften it but be cautious not to overdo it. You don’t want the gum to melt entirely and seep deeper into the fibres.

As soon as the gum softens, employ a scraping tool or a flat-edged utensil like a butter knife to gently remove the gum from the carpet or upholstery. Repeat the process until you’ve eliminated as much gum as possible. To tackle residual stains, use a mild carpet cleaner or gentle detergent with warm water on the stain and blot with a towel to dry it.
